荆 琦
- 博士 副教授
- 网络软件与系统安全系
- Email: jingqi@pku.edu.cn
- 《Linux内核分析与驱动程序设计》 研究生课程
- 《无线传感器网络及应用》 研究生课程
- 《离散数学》,本科生课程
- 物联网软件开发
- 开源软件与开放标准
- 基于AI的安全数据分析及可视化
- 西门子研究院合作项目《运营技术环境及其面临的网际安全攻击的可视化分析》 2016.7-2019.4
- 核高基重大专项《开源操作系统内核分析和安全性评估》任务47《面向3.19版本的内核关键模块新特性分析》 2015.6-2015.12
- 核高基重大专项《开源操作系统内核分析和安全性评估》 2012.9-2013.12
- 总装十二五《基于XX感知的XXXX服务技术研究》2011.7-2015.12
- 横向《****风险评估方法和工具研究》2011.7-2012.12
- 十一五项目《XXXX授权管理与访问控制系统》2006.1—2010.12
- IBM合作项目《Linux on POWER》 2005.4—2009.1
- 国家自然科学基金《无线传感器网络的安全体系结构研究》2007.1—2007.12
- 科技部政府间合作项目《普适计算中对等网络技术研究》2005.1—2007.12
- 国家科技攻关项目《国产基础软件技术培训系统研制与课程开发》2005.8—2007.6
- 国家863项目《XXXX网络信息安全技术》2006.11—2007.6
- IBM合作项目《Document Format Converter》 2005.11—2006.11
- 微软亚洲研究院资助项目《基于策略的移动设备安全应用框架》 2003.6—2004.6
- 国家863项目《动态联盟协同项目管理系统》2001.7—2003.7
- Qi Jing, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Jiafu Wan, Jingwei Lu, Dechao Qiu. Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges. Wireless Networks. November 2014, Volume 20, Issue 8, pp 2481-2501 (SCI:000343925600022) SCI Top Paper, Highly Cited Paper, ESI Hot Paper
- Qi Jing, Li Cheng, Shubin Liao, Suke Li. ATPL- A Trust Management Policy Language Based On TEAMA. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012. EI20131016090749
- Jing Qi, Wang Hongbing, Liu Peng, Wang Zhao, Chen Zhong. Numen: Network Risk Evaluation based on Naïve Bayes-based Attack Tree. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012. EI20130515976390
- Qi Jing, Li Cheng. Security Analysis for Internet of Ships. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012. EI20131016090761
- Hu Weihua, Jing Qi (corresponding author), Du Yuge, Chen Li, Wang Zhao, Chen Zhong. Anides: Agent-based Network Intrusion Detection Expert System. International Review on Computers and Software, 2012. EI20124515640897
- Jing Qi, Hu Jianbin, Guan Zhi, Chen Zhong. TEAMA: Trust Evaluation Based Authorization Model for Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC2011). EI20121915005186
- Heng Liu, Hongbing Wang, Zhao Wang ,Zhong Chen, Qi Jing. FatPET: an Attack Tree-based framework of Penetration Tests in Distributed Environment. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011): 423-426.
- Yizhan Yao, Zhao Wang, Zhong Chen,Xuesong zhang, Qi Jing. Icloud: Identifying Faulty Cloudlets in Cloud Services. In Proceedings of 2011 4th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2011): 183-186.
- Qi Jing, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen. C4W: An Energy Efficient Public Key Cryptosystem for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2009/5. Chapter 9 of the book “From Problem to Solution : Wireless Sensor Networks Security”
- 荆琦,唐礼勇,陈钟:无线传感器网络中的信任管理,软件学报,2008(7):1716-1730 (EI:080811108547)
- 荆琦,唐礼勇,陈洲峰,王昭:无线传感器网络应用支撑技术研究,计算机科学,2008(3):22-27
- 荆琦,陈洲峰,关志,王昭:无线传感器网络的设计与部署,计算机工程与应用,2007(27):18-21
- Yong Wu, Zhong Chen, Qi Jing, Yong-cai Wang. LENO: LEast Rotation Near-Optimal Cluster Head Rotation Strategy in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications (AINA '07): 195-201. (EI:20073910826480)
- Qi Jing, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen. C4W: An Energy Efficient Public Key Cryptosystem for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks.In Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Sysetems, (MASS’06) : 827-832. (EI:080811108547)
- 刘鹏,张明,荆琦,陈钟:基于策略的移动设备安全应用框架,计算机工程,2005(31):149-161
- JingQi, Wang Huimin, Xu Xiaofei. Project Organization Model and Collaborative Project Management of Agile Virtual Enterprise. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Aug 2004, vol 36: 995-1000 (EI: 2004458452315)
- 中国开源软件推进联盟副秘书长
- 中国计算机学会物联网专委会委员
- 参与多次国际会议的组织与审阅工作
- 国家重点出版工程多媒体《中华医学百科全书》网络版专家委员会特聘专家