
荆 琦

  • 博士 副教授
  • 网络软件与系统安全系
  • Email: jingqi@pku.edu.cn



  • 2009.1-


  • 2003.9-2008.12


  • 2001.9-2003.7


  • 1993.9-1997.7


  1. 《Linux内核分析与驱动程序设计》 研究生课程
  2. 《无线传感器网络及应用》 研究生课程
  3. 《离散数学》,本科生课程


  1. 物联网软件开发
  2. 开源软件与开放标准
  3. 基于AI的安全数据分析及可视化 
  1. 西门子研究院合作项目《运营技术环境及其面临的网际安全攻击的可视化分析》 2016.7-2019.4
  2. 核高基重大专项《开源操作系统内核分析和安全性评估》任务47《面向3.19版本的内核关键模块新特性分析》 2015.6-2015.12
  3. 核高基重大专项《开源操作系统内核分析和安全性评估》 2012.9-2013.12
  4. 总装十二五《基于XX感知的XXXX服务技术研究》2011.7-2015.12
  5. 横向《****风险评估方法和工具研究》2011.7-2012.12
  6. 十一五项目《XXXX授权管理与访问控制系统》2006.1—2010.12
  7. IBM合作项目《Linux on POWER》 2005.4—2009.1
  8. 国家自然科学基金《无线传感器网络的安全体系结构研究》2007.1—2007.12
  9. 科技部政府间合作项目《普适计算中对等网络技术研究》2005.1—2007.12
  10. 国家科技攻关项目《国产基础软件技术培训系统研制与课程开发》2005.8—2007.6
  11. 国家863项目《XXXX网络信息安全技术》2006.11—2007.6
  12. IBM合作项目《Document Format Converter》 2005.11—2006.11
  13. 微软亚洲研究院资助项目《基于策略的移动设备安全应用框架》 2003.6—2004.6
  14. 国家863项目《动态联盟协同项目管理系统》2001.7—2003.7
  1. Qi Jing, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Jiafu Wan, Jingwei Lu, Dechao Qiu. Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges. Wireless Networks. November 2014, Volume 20, Issue 8, pp 2481-2501 (SCI:000343925600022) SCI Top Paper, Highly Cited Paper, ESI Hot Paper
  2. Qi Jing, Li Cheng, Shubin Liao, Suke Li. ATPL- A Trust Management Policy Language Based On TEAMA. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012. EI20131016090749
  3. Jing Qi, Wang Hongbing, Liu Peng, Wang Zhao, Chen Zhong. Numen: Network Risk Evaluation based on Naïve Bayes-based Attack Tree. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012. EI20130515976390
  4. Qi Jing, Li Cheng. Security Analysis for Internet of Ships. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012. EI20131016090761
  5. Hu Weihua, Jing Qi (corresponding author), Du Yuge, Chen Li, Wang Zhao, Chen Zhong. Anides: Agent-based Network Intrusion Detection Expert System. International Review on Computers and Software, 2012. EI20124515640897
  6. Jing Qi, Hu Jianbin, Guan Zhi, Chen Zhong. TEAMA: Trust Evaluation Based Authorization Model for Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC2011). EI20121915005186
  7. Heng Liu, Hongbing Wang, Zhao Wang ,Zhong Chen, Qi Jing. FatPET: an Attack Tree-based framework of Penetration Tests in Distributed Environment. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011): 423-426.
  8. Yizhan Yao, Zhao Wang, Zhong Chen,Xuesong zhang, Qi Jing. Icloud: Identifying Faulty Cloudlets in Cloud Services. In Proceedings of 2011 4th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2011): 183-186.
  9. Qi Jing, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen. C4W: An Energy Efficient Public Key Cryptosystem for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2009/5. Chapter 9 of the book “From Problem to Solution : Wireless Sensor Networks Security”
  10. 荆琦,唐礼勇,陈钟:无线传感器网络中的信任管理,软件学报,2008(7):1716-1730 (EI:080811108547)
  11. 荆琦,唐礼勇,陈洲峰,王昭:无线传感器网络应用支撑技术研究,计算机科学,2008(3):22-27
  12. 荆琦,陈洲峰,关志,王昭:无线传感器网络的设计与部署,计算机工程与应用,2007(27):18-21
  13. Yong Wu, Zhong Chen, Qi Jing, Yong-cai Wang. LENO: LEast Rotation Near-Optimal Cluster Head Rotation Strategy in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications (AINA '07): 195-201. (EI:20073910826480)
  14. Qi Jing, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen. C4W: An Energy Efficient Public Key Cryptosystem for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks.In Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Sysetems, (MASS’06) : 827-832. (EI:080811108547)
  15. 刘鹏,张明,荆琦,陈钟:基于策略的移动设备安全应用框架,计算机工程,2005(31):149-161
  16. JingQi, Wang Huimin, Xu Xiaofei. Project Organization Model and Collaborative Project Management of Agile Virtual Enterprise. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Aug 2004, vol 36: 995-1000 (EI: 2004458452315)
  1. 中国开源软件推进联盟副秘书长
  2. 中国计算机学会物联网专委会委员
  3. 参与多次国际会议的组织与审阅工作
  4. 国家重点出版工程多媒体《中华医学百科全书》网络版专家委员会特聘专家